Have you ever gone long hours of studying or cramming notes before an exam? Of course everyone has, however, this isn’t healthy. It can put your body under a lot of stress and lead to something called a burnout.
A burnout is defined as a negative emotional, physical and mental response from long hours of studying that can result in exhaustion, frustration, and lack of motivation. Burnouts tend to accumulate from weeks to months of studying in an ineffective way.
The signs of a burnout are exhaustion, isolation from friends and family, irritability, frequent illnesses since it lowers the immune system, increase of bad habits, inability to concentrate in school, and a lack of motivation to do assignments or study.
Knowing the signs of a burnout can help prevent them from getting worse and stopping at the source.
Some ways you can prevent yourself from having a burnout is making sure you have an effective study routine, making time to do things you enjoy, go for a walk or any physical activity you enjoy, making sure you get enough sleep, and having reasonable goals.
Keeping in mind those ways to prevent having a burnout can be very beneficial in high school, but also later in life going into college and adulthood. However, knowing the signs of a burnout can keep you in check to recognize those signs and seek help from parents, teachers, or guidance counselors.
Laurn Gula, a senior, said “ Yes, I definitely had a burnout, especially during track season from trying to keep up with academics. A way to prevent it would be leaning on people who are close to you.”
Maddox Rooney, a senior, said “I definitely had a burnout, and got out of it by doing hobbies I enjoy, along with hanging out with friends.”