Starting February 1st, the billion-dollar coffee company, Starbucks, enforced policy changes to their practice. One of these policies includes that employees are required to write on customers’ cups.
Starbucks’ workers have recently begun to complain about the new policy, as it slows down service and it is just another thing for their workers to deal with during rushes.
“The idea is honestly really nice, but we definitely have begun to struggle with it during rushes,” said LD 2019 grad Caite Cummings, who now has been working at Starbucks since high school.
“The wait time doesn’t really affect me with the writing, because I mobile order, but I can totally understand frustrations in store or just through the drive thru” says Lower Dauphin student Leigha Snee.
Overall, frustrations have been raised with the Starbucks writings, but they have brought many smiles to many faces!
Brittany • Feb 17, 2025 at 12:40 pm
As a current barista I’m not sure why they’re forcing writing on cups claiming it creates “connection” when we’re not even allowed to wear clothes with words or logos on them- something that might create genuine connection with customers over a shared interest. While yes it has the potential to be a deterrent if you’re for instance wearing political stuff, I’m not sure why this outdated dress code isn’t part of the “back to starbucks” plan of reform. It still includes color guides for pants (while admittedly rarely enforced), and despite how much physical activity we do as baristas no athletic wear is allowed- seemingly exclusively for company aesthetics.