Fall season has finally arrived, and all the things to think about are trying that new pumpkin spice drink, seeing the trees change their colors, and many more things that come with the joy of fall.
During this season, temperatures tend to drop and fast darkening nights; however, do we ever realize what this change makes to our bodies?
As we approach this season, we can see that it takes more time for the sun to rise and there are earlier sunsets. The sunlight triggers our body’s rhythm to reset and makes you sleepier early. Not only do we get sleepy earlier, but we also sleep better because of the lower temperatures.
As the color of the trees’ leaves start to change, we all get the warm and cozy feeling inside. However, it has been said that the fall colors can promote positive mental health.
Seasonal spices that you could find in any fall drink can help with your overall wellness, such as cinnamon or nutmeg; it has been said that nutmeg has a germ-killing properties to help with immunity and cinnamon to help lower inflammation levels.
However, there is a downside to the change of weather such as getting sick with the flu, getting dry skin, and much more, especially getting dehydrated since we are all so caught up in the new coffee or tea, it’s very important to stay hydrated.
Colin Tonkin, a junior, said “Due to my occupation and schooling as we further progress towards the fall season, I’ve started to notice a decrease in my overall productivity and drive to be a better person. Physically I’ve adopted the constant state of being groggy and sore, via marching band? Possibly. But I believe it’s also correlated to my body fighting of my past and soon coming illnesses due to the weather.”
Adam Little, a senior, said “The fall season does have a lot going on for me, such as marching band and start of school. It can lead to a lot of stress and excitement as everything is getting sorted out. The season itself can have a somber mood to it, too. The trees are starting to lose their leaves, and the leaves are turning into shades of orange and brown. Although, I still would say fall is beautiful. Regardless of it being pretty outside, I still tend to have a more somber mood during fall than during spring and summer. I’m more tired than I was during the last two seasons, and I will say my mood is different during the fall. However, I will say that there is still a lot happening during the fall to keep me busy and to keep my energy high.”