TikTok has quickly become one of the most used platforms in the world, being the number one downloaded app with over 50 million daily users, and over 137 million downloads in 2024.
With the expansion, and development of the app, new features have been added and introduced, the newest being “Tik Tok Shop”, an e-commerce platform where companies can sell products and use TikTok users as marketing.
This not only creates a new market for products but also creates a new source of revenue for influencers looking to expand their audience and make a profit.
Right now, Tik Tok Shop has over 500,000 merchants, and it is the fastest-growing social commerce platform available right now, with most of its products catering to the younger audience, between the ages of seventeen and twenty-four.
The most common fascination with Tik Tok Shop is their surprisingly low prices. However, many users of the platform state that the low cost of the product is due to the extremely high cost of shipping, and that the quality of the product is subpar.
“Personally everything I’ve ever gotten from Tik Tok Shop has turned out to be really good quality, ” says sophomore Jade Prieto.
Junior Aryam Agili-Shaban agrees, saying that “usually the products after shipping turn out to be a pretty normal price, and the quality is alright usually”.
The future popularity of TikTok shop is unknown, but as the market keeps growing within social media marketing and product placement, it is likely to be one of the leading places to sell products in the coming years.