With summer days approaching, it’s good to be outside and enjoy the nice weather, whether you are going for a bike ride, taking a walk, or just enjoying the weather overall. It can be very rewarding for your health.
Not only does the benefits of being outside impact your physical well-being, but also your mental health and social well-being. Being outside impacts your overall well-being and being healthy overall.
For the physical well-being of the outside would be improving fitness helps the cardiovascular system, vitamin D production helps with better bone health, helping the immune system helps to fight off illnesses, and having better sleep helps feeling energized for the start of your days.
Being outside can also help with mental health, like reducing stress which helps lower cortisol levels, improving mood can make you more happy, and increased energy from breathing in fresh air can boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.
Being outside can also impact your social well-being in different ways such as, strengthening social bonds, building social skills, feeling a sense of belonging, creating new friendships, and growing as an overall person.
Junior Seth Kazinski said, “I like to bike, take a walk, play basketball, and wiffleball with my friends and family. I feel refreshed, because I spend a lot of time inside and whenever I get outside it’s nice.”
Senior Skylar Baumgardner said, “I like to play pickleball, go for walks, and play volleyball. Afterwards, I feel happier and better about myself and overall content myself.”