Between air purifying qualities, added life to spaces, and fresh appearance, more and more people are turning to house plants. There are thousands of different options to add to a living room, kitchen, or bathroom, but many struggle to keep plants alive for long periods of time. In lieu of the epidemic of short lived house plants, here are three low-maintenance plants that are perfect for interior spaces.

One of the simplest and most popular house plants is the Spider Plant. Originating in South Africa, these thin, green and white leafed plants have made their way into the household, and are a staple due to their versatility. Spider Plants love light, and require watering approximately once a week. Due to their fast growing nature, they can be either potted on the ground or suspended from the ceiling in a hanging planter.
To add variety to indoor plant life, many people turn to the Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the “Swiss Cheese plant”. These Mexican plants are most known for their leaf pattern, which has holes throughout. Monsteras prefer moderate watering (about once a week), and bright but indirect sunlight. While these plants are beautiful and fast-growing, they are toxic to cats and dogs, so it’s important to keep them out of reach of household pets.

Oftentimes, it’s nice to have not only leafy plants inside, but also flowers. For the latter, there is no better option than an Orchid. These flowers, which come in purple, pink and white variations, like once-weekly watering and plenty of indirect sunlight.

Contrasting to other plants, Orchids grow on the slower side, and do not require frequent repotting.
These three plants, along with dozens of others, make great additions to any household. With small amounts of water and sunlight, you can bring more life and greenery inside your home.