How does mental health affect everyday life?

December 5, 2022
When it comes to someone’s mental health, everyday life is heavily affected. Not only does the person often find their emotional feelings off and unusual, but also their physical health, thinking, sleeping and energy levels have been proven to be affected from a person’s poor mental health.
Scientists have found that there is a direct connection between a person’s mental and physical health.
After a study of over 10,000 people, those with poor mental health were found to not exercise regularly, along with being more prone to high blood pressure, heart conditions and obesity.
Additionally, the study found that the same individuals were not participating in ordinary living activities as regularly as those with good mental health, like getting dressed and getting showered.
Mental health also plays a huge role in how one thinks.
When it comes to daily decisions, those with mental illness may find the task difficult. Often, people with depression find themselves maintaining difficulty paying attention, while those with PTSD, schizophrenia and other mental health conditions may have paranoid thoughts.
Getting treatment and keeping up with a treatment plan for mental illnesses will often result in clearer thoughts and better decision making.
Poor mental health also affects a person’s sleep cycle.
Those with mental health conditions are frequently experiencing poor sleep along with those that have sleeping conditions that often experience poor mental health.
The body is designed to have different sleep cycles. When the body gets enough uninterrupted sleep, one can think clearer, remember things easier and learn new information easier. Without that important sleep, it can easily affect blood pressures, maintain a higher chance of injury and can even lead to depression.
Those who lack energy are most likely to find poor mental health to be at fault. Those with mental illnesses that often find them to not think well about themselves are also the ones to experience extreme amounts of stress.
Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body naturally, which can leave one feeling worn out.
When you start taking care of your mental health, you can find more energy to do the thing that you love.
Overall, finding balances in your daily life and prioritizing can better improve your everyday life when it comes to your mental health. Positive mental health affects your daily life in many ways, so work on making it a priority.