No more hybrid school

The Friday schedule for the remainder of the year
March 12, 2021
It has been brought to the attention of the students, parents, and staff of the Lower Dauphin High School that a decision is to be made by Friday.
An email was sent out Monday night March 8th stating that this Friday all the parents of Lower Dauphin need to make a decision whether or not their children will be coming back to school full time or staying fully virtual starting April 6, 2021. The goal of this survey is to make it possible for the Lower Dauphin Middle and High school to open up full time for their students.
While talking within classes, students have asked whether or not the half-days on Friday will remain. As of this point the half-day Fridays will be under a schedule, however, there will be no more back and forth between the split groups of students after April 6, 2021. Some Fridays will be full-days while some will remain half-days. A schedule has been created regarding the Friday schedules up until the end of the year.
All five of the elementary schools are back full time and the goal for the district is to get the middle and high school back full time as well.